Sunday, March 5, 2017

Shalom My Friends

I am sure you are curious why you haven't seen anything from me recently. I have gone through a lot, but as always God has been right at my side through it all. 
Even with all the upheaval of a non-evasive brain surgery for a aneurism and my mom's passing God still helped me to complete and publish another book. It is called "The Willow Bay Series." You can find it at Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million and Amazon. I'm sure you can find it at Christian bookstores too. It can also be found as an ebook.
I also want to invite you to follow my Facebook page called Shifra's Books. You can follow me on my journey. I am now trying to write my own story. It isn't easy. You would think writing about yourself would be easy, but it is the opposite. Trying to decide what is important and what isn't comes into question and wording things so people can understand it is another issue. I went through it, but it is a whole different thing trying to put it into words.
I tried writing this for about a week, but then found out I needed to update the app. The old app kept knocking me out. 
Anyway, I am so glad I finally got a chance to hit base with you. I will try to get back with you again shortly, in the meantime, be safe and be blessed in the name of our Lord and Savior Yeshua.

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