Monday, March 6, 2017

Jeremiah 23

I was reading Jeremiah 23 today where God was warning the people not to listen to those that called themselves 'prophets', as they were not sent by Him. These were men that were leading the people away from God rather than towards Him.

I started thinking about how many disguises false prophets come in besides the obvious of palm readers, fortunetellers, and the big one psychics. I mean even the devil himself came camouflaged as an 'angel of light'.

What about teachers? That one is scary! It only takes one teacher to draw a student away and that student will draw another student and then another student and then a snowball effect takes place.

What about a priest/minister? Is he speaking biblical truth or traditional feel good, go in peace sermons?

How observant are we to what is really happening around us?

Please don't think I am putting prophets, teachers, or ministers down. Far from it! What I am saying is that we need to be in tune with the spirit and to recognize God's voice in all situations. We are not to assume something is correct just because it sounds plausible. We need to know it, unequivocally, in our spirit. We must know that it lines up with God's word. Amen.

Bless you,

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