Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014

Exodus 13:15
"And it came about, when Pharoah was stubborn about letting us go, that the Lord killed every first-born in the land of Egypt, both the first-born of man and the first-born of beast. Therefore, I sacrifice to the Lord the males, the first offspring of every womb, but every first-born of my sons I redeem."

You, O Lord, have done the same for me. By sacrificing Your Son, Your only begotten Son, You have redeemed me! 

This is what You planned from the beginning. You want all mankind to know and receive the cleansing blood of Jesus. 
It is Your desire for all to turn from sin and to trust in Your redeeming Love, unconditional love. 

Oh Lord, thank You for saving me. Thank You for all You have taken me out of. I am so blessed not to be living my old wretched life. You have given me a life that is so exceptionally more then I could of ever hoped or dreamed of.

Forgive me, O Lord, when I fail to acknowledge Your awesomeness. Forgive me when I allow my selfish ways to take precedence. Forgive me when I try to do things my own way.  Forgive me when I give into the weakness of my flesh.

I truly want to do Your will and I want Your desires to be fulfilled in my life. I want all that is not of You to be stripped from my life.

Make me strong where I am weak. Encourage me when I feel defeated. 


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