Hebrews 10: 19-23 ESV
This scripture made me feel it was a great way to start off the new year. It’s really spoke to my heart of God‘s promises.
Our assurance lives in our Savior and if our confession remains truthful to that belief then our New Year should be a good one. No matter what happens around us God is faithful to His promises.
Our assurance lives in our Savior and if our confession remains truthful to that belief then our New Year should be a good one. No matter what happens around us God is faithful to His promises.
So let us draw near to to Him as He draws near to us. Amen!
Father, as a rule I do not make resolutions, but if there was one resolution for 2018 that I would make it would be to hold truth, love, and conviction of faith close to my heart.
I pray that all that read this will take the promise of Hebrews 10: 19-23 to heart and not only this promise, but all of His promises. He is a loving and faithful God!
In Jesus name! Amen!